Network Support System
Query/Response Marketing Enhancement Process
Network Support System’s patented Query/Response Marketing Enhancement Process was developed to facilitate the marketing campaigns of network Hubs (e.g. bank headquarters), their satellite Affiliates (bank branch offices) and end-use Clientele (bank customers).
Query-Response Marketing Enhancement Process:
- Hub sends a Query(s) to its network of satellite Affiliates.
- Each Affiliate posts the Query on its interactive media (e.g. website).
- Hub’s marketing campaign drives Clientele to Affiliates’ interactive media.
- Clientele answer Affiliates’ posted Query.
- Clientele’s Query responses are transmitted to the Hub for processing.
- Hub collates, processes and shares responses with each originating Affiliate.
Benefits of Network Support System’s Query-Response Process:
• Serves a virtually unlimited number Hubs, Affiliates and Clientele.
• Facilitates marketing campaigns between Hubs, Affiliates and Clientele.
• Transforms Affiliates’ Clientele into the Hub’s Clientele.
• Enables Hub and Affiliates to analyze Clientele responses for market demand data.
• Reduces Hub’s costs to provide responsive content to Affiliates and Clientele.
• Enhances the marketing potential of Hub and Affiliates’ interactive media.
• Provides numerous multi-media marketing opportunities for Hub and Affiliates. See example below:
Example of a Network Support System Process:
• Radio Questions-of-the-Day (RQOTD) is a service that transforms a radio station’s listening audience into its website audience so the audience can be sold twice instead of just once.
• RQOTD feeds a daily news story with a corresponding opinion poll question to its affiliated radio stations.
• Each daily news story is broadcast with a corresponding question over the air with a challenge to answer the question via a poll banner posted on each radio station’s website.
• When radio listeners answer the poll on their station’s website, their responses are tabulated at the RQOTD Hub and the results are posted.
• The RQOTD process gives the radio listener two reasons to visit their radio station’s website every day: To vote on the day’s question and to learn the result of the previous day’s poll.
US Patent